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Minutes 07/19/2010SpecJt Approved
July 19, 2010                                                                                                       

A   SPECIAL JOINT MEETING of the City Council & WPC Authority, the Board of Finance, and the Board of Education was held in the City Hall Council Chambers on Monday, July 19, 2010.

Those in attendance included Mayor Ryan J. Bingham, Corporation Counsel Ernestine Yuille Weaver, City Councilors Rick Dalla Valle, Marie Soliani, Drake Waldron, Elinor Carbone and Paul Samele, Board of Finance members Daniel Farley, Laurene Pesce, and Wendy Traub, Board of Education members  A. Bates Lyons, Frank Rubino, Andrew Nargi, Ellen Hoehne, Kenneth Traub, David Oliver, Board of Education Business Manager Danielle Batchelder, Superintendent of Schools Christopher Leoni, Data Processing Manager Rudy Pullano, Retired Data Processing Manager William Hoffman and Comptroller Alice Proulx. Also in attendance were Jamie Mitchell and Tom Goodrich from New World Systems.

Mayor Bingham called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

Comptroller Proulx gave some background information saying that in 1991 the City chose New World Systems as its Financial Management System Provider, with the Board of Education doing the same in 2003.  Although this financial management system is very comprehensive and provides a lot of information, she said, the operating platform is outdated. Ms. Proulx added that limited daily operations and reporting capabilities are negatively impacting staff productivity and impeding their ability to communicate data to oversight boards.

Mr. Pullano explained the current system is antiquated, problematic, inefficient and impossible to interface with Microsoft Office applications. He added that this system upgrade will provide for a paperless and efficient operation, with electronic document circulation and purchase orders, on-line transactions, and is a stepping stone for on-line bill payment interface with other Departments such as the City Clerk and the Tax Collector. He said this investment of $389,550 includes almost $64,000 in discounts, all software, training, migration of data, support of the old system, and 100% credit of license fees paid.

Mrs. Pesce asked for a clarification that New World isn’t financing this, that we’re borrowing the money from somebody else. (silent affirmative response)

Ms. Proulx added that she has worked with New World since 1993 and their support staff has been excellent.

Mrs. Traub asked if an outright purchase is being considered, weighing the amount in our fund balance with the $35,000 interest. She said if one-third of that cost is put onto the Board of Education, then we have to guarantee that their portion is given to them every year. Mayor Bingham said monies have been saved towards this upgrade.

Councilor Carbone asked if this purchase would cover the lack of additional staff that was a result of this year’s budget. Ms. Proulx said she is hoping to be able to eliminate processes that consume time with very little result, letting the system do the work rather than individuals. She said she is hoping that by implementing this and coming up with efficiencies, she may be able to move forward without adding staff.  

Mayor Bingham said his Department Heads have a lot of frustration with the current system, which needs to be upgraded.

Ms. Proulx and Ms. Batchelder both expressed satisfaction with the proposed new system. Integration with Excel was clarified by the New World representative who said every report or inquiry done is exportable to Excel assuming you have the security right.

Mrs. Pesce questioned how future upgrades will be funded. The New World representative explained that the standard maintenance agreement covers all enhancements made to the software with one major release every year, and some minor ones throughout.

Mayor Bingham pointed out that there was no quorum for the Board of Finance to vote.
Mr. Rubino said he will take this issue to the full Board of Education meeting on Wednesday.

Councilor Dalla Valle made a motion to authorize the City and the Board of Education to enter into a contract with New World Systems for an upgrade of the financial management system. The motion was seconded by Councilor Waldron. Councilor Carbone asked if this motion is to do the purchase outright and recommend it to the Board of Finance or if the motion is to look for financing. Mayor Bingham explained this motion is to purchase the upgrade, and at the Board of Finance meeting, financing options will be presented. The motion was unanimously approved.

Mayor Bingham said he recommends doing a lease purchase, and financially speaking, if there’s a way to save $39,000, it can be brought back in for further discussions with the Board of Finance. Mr. Farley said we have the 85 or 100 thousand to pay for this year’s financing and the rest would have to be addressed next year as to how it’s going to be paid for.  Mayor Bingham suggested part of the lease could be a buy-out option without penalty. Ms. Proulx offered to do more research.

Councilor Waldron made a motion to authorize the City and the Board of Education to enter into a lease purchase contract for the purchase of a financial management system. Councilor Soliani seconded the motion and Councilor Dalla Valle asked for clarification. Councilor Waldron amended his motion to add that the first year would use money that is already encumbered, while looking to finance this for the next four years. Councilor Soliani amended her second and the motion was unanimously approved.

On a motion by Councilor Carbone, seconded by Councilor Dalla Valle, the Council voted unanimously to adjourn at 6:40 p.m.
ATTEST: JOSEPH L. QUARTIERO, CMC                                                                            
                CITY CLERK       
Respectfully Submitted,
Carol L. Anderson, CCTC
Asst. City Clerk